223- 55th Street, Edson, AB
Over the past few months, we’ve all adapted to far-reaching changes during the COVID-19 pandemic — something that we’ll remember for the rest of our lives.
Watching a compelling documentary or reading a history book allows you to visualize what day to day life was really like for the people living at that time, how they overcame hardships and reacted to events of their era.
What we don’t normally think of is the effect that our personal stories will have for the generations to come.
The Galloway Station Museum and Archives want to gather pandemic stories as they happen. We are asking the citizens of Edson and Yellowhead County to contribute their thoughts and experiences while history is being made.
Share your story below!

Would you like to submit a photograph(s) of your COVID-19 experience?
Please title the photograph with date taken, your name and subject/title of the photograph.